This is the public page of the MERG - Croydon Area Group Created May 2022 Croydon is area group #42

MERG Croydon Area Group

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The Croydon Area Group was created in April 2022 and meets monthly at the Croydon Model Railway Society (CMRS) at its club house in South Croydon.

The format of meetings varies but include the following elements: -

CMRS makes a number of test layouts available to allow experimentation and encourages participation in the application of electronics to club layouts.

The club is accessible on the following bus routes.

Number Route Via Stations
60 Streatham Station to Old Coulsdon Coulsdon South
Coulsdon Town
West Croydon
166 West Croydon to Caterham Coulsdon Town
West Croydon
312 Norwood Junction to South Croydon Bus Garage
407 Sutton Town Centre to Caterham Valley West Croydon
Whyteleafe South
466 Addington Village to Caterham-on-the-Hill East Croydon

The following stations are nearby: -

How do I contact the Area Group

Please indicate Croydon Area Group in your message Contact MERG

Who are the leader of the group?

Replace photo with the names and titles of leaders.

Allan Geekie

Would you like to join today?

Not a member? then

and sign up to this Area Group. If you are already a member

Select Croydon Area Group from the drop down list in Other Area Groups and press the Subscribe to Area Group button.

How do you meet?

Provide meeting details

The group will meet on the second Friday on each month at 19:00 at Croydon Model Railway Society in South Croydon.

And the Next Meeting?

* Replace NN with the number of your area group - get from the AG admin page. Update the contact form title. *

14:00 19-DecCroydon Area Group: Afternoon WorkshopHelp is available on: * SMD module testing, * Kit building, * Kit repair, * ATC, * CBUS, * JMRI, * Raspberry Pi layout control, * Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.Croydon MRC Club House
14:00 16-JanCroydon Area Group: Afternoon WorkshopHelp is available on: * SMD module testing, * Kit building, * Kit repair, * ATC, * CBUS, * JMRI, * Raspberry Pi layout control, * Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
12:30 30-JanCroydon Area Group: Lunchtime MeetingLunchtime get together to get updates and exchange ideas.To Be Agreed
14:00 06-FebCroydon Area Group: Afternoon WorkshopHelp is available on: * SMD module testing, * Kit building, * Kit repair, * ATC, * CBUS, * JMRI, * Raspberry Pi layout control, * Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
12:30 20-FebCroydon Area Group: Lunchtime MeetingLunchtime get together to get updates and exchange ideas.To Be Agreed
14:00 06-MarCroydon Area Group: Afternoon WorkshopHelp is available on: * SMD module testing, * Kit building, * Kit repair, * ATC, * CBUS, * JMRI, * Raspberry Pi layout control, * Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
14:00 13-MarCroydon Area Group: Afternoon WorkshopHelp is available on: * SMD module testing, * Kit building, * Kit repair, * ATC, * CBUS, * JMRI, * Raspberry Pi layout control, * Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
19:00 14-MarCroydon AG MeetingTopics to be agreedCMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon

Link to local model railway sites.